Beading with constraints can be good for the creative
process. I’m drawn to challenge packs
and kits........ the limited supply of beads forces you to create outside the
box. It can also be a very freeing way
of creating - no diving into the stash – no debating over which colours go with
what – no opportunity to second guess well what if! Managing without the usual findings or a
limited supply poses another interesting challenge – let’s say I brushed up my macramé
skills last summer with kits that were mainly cord – but plus side is that I’m
now buzzing with Kumihimo ideas – just need to find the time to play and write. Finally, they are great for getting me to
bead to deadlines.......
My latest design is a result of an entry in to the 'Swarovski Statement Earrings' competition, JillyBeads Ltd (2013). I have a small stash of Swarovski
bicones and pearls that I’ve built up over the years – and saved for that
special project. The biggest challenge perhaps
was Swarovski components alone – no seed beads......I had just one small pack
of 6 mm and 4 mm bicones that would work together for the design briefing – so these limitations alone shaped the process. What I came up with is a simple concept with
a clever weave – ‘Curvy Pearls & Bicones’ – 2 inch drop statement earrings. The design got a notable mention!
In writing the tutorial – the mathematician/designer within me couldn't
resist experimenting with a matching rope – would the structure hold over a
longer length using the same concept and clever weave?
It is a year to the day – since I opened my Etsy shop – so my
first birthday! Remember JAN2014 applies
until the end of the month.